This page is a work in progress, help needed: test and rewrite. Silex is free/libre software which means you need to contribute.
Expressions are made of tokens, which are the building blocks of the expressions. Tokens are the properties of the data source, like
Expressions are created with clicks in a no-code style. They can consist of:
object of 11ty for pagination in collection pages. Check the docs about pagination hereLiquid filters may have options that you can edit with the "..." icon, and they may let you select custom states in them like this:
Click on the "..." to edit filter options:
In this doc I will write expressions like this: object > property | filter: option1, option2
States belong to a component, they are expressions which are not output in the final website, they are made to be included in other expressions. Also they are used in the generated GraphQL query.
Attributes are the HTML attributes of a component, like src
or href
or any other attribute. Special attributes are class
and style
which if you put several of them will not override each other but will be merged.
Properties are the dynamic properties of a component which include the HTML content (innerHTML), the visibility (a condition to show or hide the component), a loop property (to repeat the component for each item in a list).
Data source is a service which provides the data to the editor. For now it has to be a GraphQL API, maybe I'll add open API later.
This UI is used to manage the states, attributes and dynamic properties of the components. It is a panel which shows the expressions of the selected component and allows the user to add, edit, and remove them.
This dialog is used to manage the data sources. It allows the user to add, edit, and remove data sources. It also allows the user to test the data sources and (comming in v2) see the data they provide.
Change properties like innerHTML, title, className, style, src, href, and alt using expressions.
There arerelated docs about pagination
and permalink => the expression pagination.items | first > title | slugify
You can use liquid to output dynamic data from a data source
Add a custom code block to your website, or open the page settings or the website settings (code tab)
Type your liquid code, e.g
{%- assign firstItem = directus.my_collection | first -%}
{{ firstItem.title }}
Here is what you can use:
In order to query the data you need from your data sources, Silex needs to know what you need. For each data you use - e.g directus.my_collection
and then .title
, you will need a custom state (on the body or anywhere) with a value which uses the data, e.g directus.my_collection > first > title